Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

The Bible

The B-I-B-L-E
Yes, That's the Book for me;
I stand alone on the Word of God:
The B-I-B-L-E.

The Bible is a compass, pointing you in the right direction.

The Bible is a Light and a Lamp for our feet, guiding our steps.
The Bible is a Book of Promises, and every one has or will come true.  No other book of prophecy has a 100% success rate.
The Bible is cleansing Water that washes filth and corruption from us, making our lives a clean vessel for God's use.
The Bible is a shining light, and like a lighthouse, it guides us into the safe harbor of His will.
The Bible is Milk, when we are newborn babes in Christ, it nourishes us to grow up.
The Bible is Meat; when we start to mature as Christians, it is ever present to feed us the "protein" we need to become strong in the Lord.
The Bible is a road map, which leaves every man from any destination to a heavenly home.
The Bible is like the rain which waters the earth, and grows the wheat, which makes bread to feed us: it is sent from God to accomplish His desired will.
The Bible is a goad, which prods us gently forward to do good and stay away from danger.
The Bible is an anvil; although skeptics have beat upon it for centuries, the anvil still remains - the hammers gone!
The Bible is the Powerhouse that create both life and faith.
The Bible is weapon, equipping the believer in the spiritual battle against evil.


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